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Valetta from the Quarantine Harbour

William WALLIS

(english steel engraver born in 1796 whose date of death is unknown)

“Valetta from the Quarantine Harbour”
Original steel-engraving after Lieutenant Allen from the work entitled “The shores and islands of the Mediterranean” written by the Reverend George Newenham Wright, published in London by Fisher Son & Co. about 1839 or 1840.
Beautiful exemplar with plein margins, with a mild browning to the borders but in general very good condition.
Nice view of Valetta from the see with commercial ships and fishers in the foreground, Fort Saint Elmo on the shoreline.

Hunnisett “An Illustrated Dictionary of British Steel Engravers”
Cambridge 1989 pag.97.

Size in mm:205 x 268 Price: € 80,00