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George STODART (─ - 1884)


(Joseph Priestley a famous English chemist)
Original steel engraving from the marble statue by John Francis Williamson (1833 - 1920), published on the famous English Art Periodical “The Art Journal” about 1874.
Very nice example in perfect general condition.
Joseph Priestley (Yorkshire 1733 – Pennsylvania 1804) was a famous English chemist who is credited with the invention of oxygen although other scientists as the Swedish Carl Wilhelm Scheele and the French Antoine Lavoisier claimed it before him.
At present the statue in Birmingham is a 1951 recast, in bronze, of the white marble original unveiled in 1874 and is located in Chamberlain Square.
The scientist is represented full-length on a plinth resting on some stones to his left on which there are a mortar and a pestle, on the right hand he is holding a lens.

Benezit “Dictionnaire des Peintres...” Parigi 1976 vol.10 pag.746 (Williamson)
Hunnisett “An Illustrated Dictionary of British Steel Engravers” Cambridge 1989 pag.90.

Size in mm: 315ca x 235ca sheet Price: € 120,00