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George Stephenson

James H. BAKER

(1829 – 1880ca)

“George Stephenson”
Original steel engraving from the marble sculpture by Edward Hodges Baily (Bristol 1788 – Holloway 1867) appeared in 1858 on the famous English Art Periodical “The Art Journal” published in London by Virtue & Co. from the thirties of the nineteenth century to the early twentieth century.
Very nice example with some slight foxing spots and a soft crease at the lower right corner otherwise in good general condition.
George Stephenson (1781 – 1848) is the most famous name in railway history, for the details of his life and inventions see the work of Samuel Smiles “The life of George Stephenson and his son Robert Stephenson comprising also a history of the invention and introduction of the Railway Locomotive” free downloadeable from
The marble sculpture by Baily was placed originally in the Great Hall of Euston Station in London from wich was removed in 1961 during the redeveloping of the entire building, it was classed as Historical Relic by British Railways and became part of the National Collection, nowadays it is located in the National Railway Museum at York.
Edward Hodges Baily was an English sculptor and silver designer formed as a pupil of John Flaxman (York 1755 – London 1826), the leading master in British and European Neoclassicism, he was one of the favorite artists of Queen Victoria.

Benezit “Dictionnaire des Peintres, Sculpteurs, Dessinateurs et Graveurs"
Parigi 1976 vol.1 pag.384 (Baily)
Hunnisett “An Illustrated Dictionary of British steel engravers”
Cambridge 1989 pag.13.
O'Donoghue “Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits preserved in the Department of Prints and Drawings in the British Museum” London 1914 vol.4 pag.187 nº1.

Size in mm: 320ca x 235ca sheet

Price: € 80,00