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General Sir James Outram

William ROFFE (English engraver active between 1848 and 1884)

“Lieut. Gen. Sir James Outram”

(General Sir James Outram)
Original steel engraving from the bronze sculpture by John Henry Foley (Dublin 1818 – London 1874) appeared after 1875 on the famous English Art Periodical “The Art Journal” published in London by Virtue & Co. from the thirties of the nineteenth century to the early twentieth century.
Very nice example with some slight foxing spots around the engraved area otherwise in good general condition.
Sir James Outram (1803 – 1863) has been an important commander of the British Army that spent the most part of his career in India fighting the numeros local rebellions.
The bronze sculpture by Foley was exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1861, today it is located in the grounds of the Victoria Memorial Park in Calcutta where it was unveiled by Lord Napier in 1874.

Benezit “Dictionnaire des Peintres, Sculpteurs, Dessinateurs et Graveurs"
Paris 1976 vol.4 pag.416, 417 (Foley).
Hunnisett “An Illustrated Dictionary of British steel engravers”
Cambridge 1989 pag.77.

Size in mm: 315ca x 230ca sheet Price: € 60,00